Monday, May 08, 2006

So what's it been?

9 years. Yup, 9 years since I left high school behind to pursue a higher education. Does that make me sad? Not really. Sure, I'd love to be somewhere else making lots of money and perhaps having a good time, but I think I have it pretty good right now. So why the blog? I figured it'd give me something to do as I while the hours away here at my $6/hour student job. I thought I might give those around me a little bit of insight into what I do with myself and what I look forward to doing with myself (that sounds kinda dirty).

So whadya gonna get here?
1. The everyday experiences of a really old college student
2. Movie reviews (hey, it went along with one of my previous majors)
3. Maybe a little bit of politics
4. Cool/funny links
5. MY opinions of pretty much everything else that I couldn't take the time to list here

I mean what good is a blog if I can't use it to inflate my ego by telling EVERYONE how important my opinions are? God, this stuff is like crack.


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