Thursday, May 18, 2006

8 hours

That's how long I'll be sitting here at this desk today. I think of all the other things that I could be doing during this time. Sometimes this job really does depress me. I mean, why do you think I started writing this blog. I always thought blogs were pretty stupid, just something that gave someone another reason to think that they were important. But now I know the real truth. Bloggers all have waaaaaay too much time on their hands. I sit here wondering when I should write something, because I don't want to write too early so that I don't have anything to write about later. So I've chosen the halfway point in the workday, and it has been torture just making it this far. I spent most of my afternoon reading Watchmen and looking at different apartments online. I can look at these things all day online but it really doesn't tell you anything about them unless you go and actually look at them first hand. But can I do that? No.

I went and watched The DaVinci Code last night. Mistake. Watched the penultimate Lost last night as well. While this season has been interesting, I'm not sure I'm as intrigued by it this season as last. I think there may have been bigger suprises this season, but it feels like much less time has passed and so a sort of plodding feeling starts to develop. Most of the TV shows are wrapping up their seasons either this week or next, so we're getting all the stops pulled out right now. I'll go into the DaVinci code more in a little while when I write up a full review. I may have to miss out on these midnight screenings from now on though because I missed class today. Yeah, that was stupid. I really think that if I didn't have to work today I would have made it since I could have just come home and taken a nap. And of course I have to make justifications for my skipping of class. "It's all stuff that I learned last semester." Hopefully it won't come back to bite me come test time. I doubt it.

Isn't my life exciting? Maybe I'll go turn myself beet-red at my parents pool this weekend, that sounds good.


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