Friday, June 02, 2006


Yet another reason to love Memorial Day has's already mother-fuckin Friday bitch! It's that day of the week when I only have to work for two and a half hours, I love it. 3 more days of Maymester left and I'm already pretty much guaranteed an A in both my lab and lecture class. I finish up those 3 days and then I'm done waking up early for the rest of the summer.

Now I have a month and a half till I get to move into my new place, and good god am I ever ready. I just hope I don't run over one of those stupid kids in my neighborhood before I reach the end of my lease. I'm also turning into an old man, since I'll spending the evening in tonight, perhaps eating some Taco Bell and watching some TV, mainly because I have to work at my dad's office tomorrow morning at 8:15. I'd love to really complain, but he helps me out so much with school and living expenses that it's not possible. Everyone have a good weekend, and I'll see you all again on Monday.


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