Thursday, May 25, 2006

X-Men: The Last Movie?

Ok, before I start this review you need a little bit of background:

If you haven't see that before, I feel sorry for you, but now you're all caught up and I can begin my review.

Damn, now that was an X-Men movie. Honestly if you're going to see the X-Men as a geek you're not looking forward to character development, you're looking forward to seeing what those crazy mutant mother-fuckers will do! I know alot of people were worried when Bret Ratner took over for Brian Singer on X-Men, but there's not a beat missed if anything Ratner might be better for the series. Sure, the background storyline is generally the same, some group trying to cure mutants with some kind of crazy mutant cure serum, but its the action and the mutant powers that really make this movie. We all knew that Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants but have we truly seen his power up to this point? Sure we saw him hold some cars up in the air and take some cops guns and turn them around on their owners, but that's all childs play compared to what you see in The Last Stand. Seeing what he does to a prisoner convoy is exactly what we all want to see as comic fans. The restraints are lifted and the mutants are given free reign to use their almost limitless power. Dark Phoenix? Ummm yeah...badass. Juggernaut? Best line of the movie, and Vinnie Jones pulled the role off alot better than I thought he would. Sure there's some things that I'd love to see changed in the movie, and of course I'm still waiting for the Sentinels to make an appearance on the big screen. Then you have the opening scene with Prof. X and Magneto which is easily the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time. I won't ruin it for you, but I dare you not to be creeped out, and not in a good "we meant it to look creepy" kinda way. Overall the good definitely outweighs the bad, and makes this what I consider the best X-Men movie to date. Will there be a 4th movie though? Ratner and the studio continually postured with this movie claiming that it was going to be the end of the franchise, but make sure you stick around till the end of the credits to see how all that posturing might have been false.


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