Monday, May 22, 2006

The house/duplex/apartment search continues!

(Todays blog is brought to you in super-excito vision!!!!! I hope you complainers are happy.)

It it really that bad that I'm considering living in a "Clothing Optional" household this fall? I don't think I've reached those depths yet!?!? Gonna go check a duplex out over on the eastside tonight though...maybe it'll be just what I'm looking for, or NOT!!! I've pretty much given up on finding an actual house at this point and am now focusing my sights squarely on duplexes. WTF! From there it's apartments, but that's only as a last resort. There's a chance that Kenneth and Mia could get the adjoining duplex at this one I'm looking at tonight, and that would definitely make things easier, and also totally ROCK!

On the lighter side, this past weekend was RAD! All I did was hang out with some good friends and get my ass burned at the pool. I've decided that this is what I'm going to do every weekend from now on, although I might throw in a little fishing here and there. For those of you who don't know, my parents have a pretty nice house with a 10 acre lot, a pool and a pond. Now why I haven't taken advantage of having this at my disposal up to this point is beyond me. But I plan on changing that this summer, since it might be my last chance!!! So if anyone is interested in coming over and hanging out at the 'rents pool this summer on the weekends, just let me know, that's where I'll be.

Have my first test tomorrow, 1 week after starting class. Not too worried though since it's pretty much all the same stuff I did last semester. I'll definitely try to spice up my blog tomorrow since I'll have 8 hours to sit here and write it. So I promise you pictures, links, and and maybe even some videos! How does that sound kiddies? Gotta run for now though...TTYL.


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