Tuesday, May 30, 2006

God Bless Memorial Day!

What a fine holiday! Although I always love any excuse to get out of work and/or school. And what did I do on my 3 day weekend you might ask?

Saturday: Sat at the pool with 3 lovely ladies, grilled out, turned myself a very lovely shade of crimson, made pina coladas and watched Boondock Saints (which now makes it hard for me to understand why so many people have a hard-on for that movie).

Sunday: Slept till about noon, ate some BK, played some video games, went to my parents house for my step-moms b-day, ate middle eastern cuisine, listened to Vic Chestnut play harmonica at out house while my dad sang, came home, watched Transformers: The Movie.

Monday: Computer died, had to go buy new video card (#%$*), picked up some Taco Bell, watched some Veronica Mars, went to Kohls, got a Guiness hat, discussed shaving my head, watched some more Veronica Mars, headed home, and then
Yup, I did it! And damn if it doesn't feel good! I gotta say, I'd always been wary of doing this before, but it was definitely worth it. I feel like my body temperature has dropped 5 - 10 degrees since chopping it all off and it's just so damn fun to rub! You know you want to...


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