Monday, June 05, 2006

Maymester: Mission Almost Accomplished

Review day that means I'm gonna get some Z's. Took my last lab test today, and I would have had to of made a 15 or below out of 25 to not get an A. I'm sure you can tell that I was really nervous about that going in. First one done, might have missed one or two ?'s, but definitely locked up the A in the lab. Now Wednesday is another story. I need to get an 87 or higher to keep my A in the lecture class. 92 and 90 were my first two test grades and that was with zero studying. I figure if I at least spend a little bit of time tomorrow studying that I should have no problem holding onto that A.

I didn't go to the pool once this weekend, and that disappoints me. I had been planning to spend at least one day there every weekend during the summer, but I guess that's all ruined now. Instead, I just sat around on my ass all weekend playing video games and nerding out watching Battlestar Galactica. It's not a bad series, it just loves to drag itself on and on.

It's 6/6/6 tomorrow boys and girls...what's the devil gonna make YOU do?


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