Monday, June 19, 2006

Computerized testing, far from perfect

Yeah, I have my first test in pre-calc today at 7 pm and I'm really not looking forward to it. The math department has switch over to a new software system called MyMathLab, and damn if it isn't picky as hell. I took a quiz last night and missed a whole question just because I wrote the answer as 1 1/2 instead of 3/2. Originally there was going to be no partial credit for multi part questions as well, so if you missed part a but got parts b through g right you missed the whole question and dropped almost a full letter grade. Usually I'm all for working for a way to integrate computers into classroom settings, but I'm not sure that math is quite ready for it. When you are learning math aren't the concepts and the process of obtaining the answer much more important than getting the actual answer? I guess not anymore. I'm not really worried though, I just have to be really careful to check all my answers and make sure I don't accidentally put a minus sign where I shouldn't or forget to simplify an equation as far as possible.

Decent weekend I guess, even though I feel like I hardly got any sleep. Got some cool "hang out and talk about stuff" time on Friday night, which was nice...but allowed me only about 3 hours of sleep since I had to get up for work at 7:30 on Saturday. Hit the pool on Saturday and wasted most of the afternoon away. Then I actually had a pretty good time downtown, felt pretty outgoing and in a good mood in general, but still without any kind of real connections made. Had some fathers day Waffle House and golf with the old man, which left me worn out Sunday night so I hit the sack at about 11. Overall, pretty satisfying.

Feeling update: In pretty good spirits


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that you had to get up so early, but you know what? I got to sleep in and it was the best sleep I'd had in quite a while...

6/20/2006 1:12 PM  

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