Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Computerized Testing...I was right...

I stated before that I was worried about the new testing system that UGA was using for its precalculus classes. Looks like my fears were realized. I worked on my test for over an hour, and when I finally hit that submit button a nice little score of 73.3% popped up. Needless to say I was pissed. The next day the test was posted for us to review, and 3 of the 4 questions I missed could easily have been interpreted as correct if someone was grading by hand. Those who saw me after the test knew how pissed I was, and obviously that sentiment reached the instructors of the summer course. So apparently right now they are sitting down to discuss how to go about giving partial credit or how to go back and re-evaluate students answers. So hopefully I won't have to pitch a fit after my grade is increased.

Other than that, I've just been on the phone with DirecTV alot lately, trying to milk as many free offers out of their customer retention department as I can. Just so you know, if you have DirecTV and are out of your contract period, feel free to call this number, 800-824-9081, and tell them that you are thinking about switching to cable. They'll be more than happy to start throwing some tasty offers your way. This also works if you're in a situation like me, where you're a former customer thinking about going back to them. Just don't be afraid to hang up if they won't give you enough...just call back later, and you might get what you want.

Feeling update: Suprisingly good, nothing really bad going on, and I'm generally in a good mood.


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