Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Austin 2.0 = housewife

I had never really gotten into cooking that much, mainly because of the pack animal mentality that seems to have always gone along with my living situation. When you come home and don't know what food is actually going to be there, you never really get that into preparing your own meals, instead relying on the concrete ideas of fast food. But that has changed now that I have only myself to rely on. So I went out yesterday and purchased things that I couldn't really afford all in the name of eating better and improving my overall situation. First off was a new George Foreman "Grilleration" Grill. It's just too hard to say no to that man when he's holding that taco with that look on his face. Plus, the single worst aspect of previous GF grills has been solved in three words: removable grill plates. Done cooking? Just pop those suckers off, throw them in the dishwasher and your cleaning is acomplished. I was supposed to be cooking my first meal on the grill tonight, pork loins, but instead I'll be eating at my parents house. I'll cook them tomorrow and have an update on Friday.

Next I picked up a rice cooker. If you've ever done any shopping for rice cookers before (which I seriously doubt that anyone who reads this has actually done) you'll know that these little bastards can vary in price from $15 all the way up to the multiple hundreds. Since I've never actually used a rice cooker before I figured I'd stick with the cheapest one for now. I'll be using it tomorrow as well to accompany my pork loins, mmmmmm.

That was about it as far as kitchen appliances purchased. Went to the grocery store, bought some supplies for cooking tomorrow and I'm just looking forward to seeing if I can complete this succesfully.

Feeling update: Good, nothing bad to report at all.


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