Monday, July 24, 2006


I've been slacking on my blogging recently. It just seems like with moving, my birthday, and bitch-ass math tests I haven't had the time to really sit here at work and write out a decent amount. But I figure that today, since I'm already done with my homework, I'll take the time to put a little more thought and substance into my blog. I've actually been meaning to take some pictures of my new place so I could put them up on here for everyone to see. I'll try to remember to do that either tonight or tomorrow since I do have a decent amount of time to myself right now. I'm pretty settled in now with my sofas arriving and my cable and internet setup, so I finally feel like I can relax a little bit.

I definitely had fun this weekend, and it was the first time I've gone downtown in about 2 weeks. Didn't really get that drunk on my birthday, but I more than made up for it the next night. I gotta say that the highlight of my birthday was the dinner though. It's been a while since I've had some good salmon, and I have to say that the salmon my dad prepared on Friday night was pretty amazing. I couldn't stop eating it...and now it really makes me want to do some real cooking at home. I've slowly been buying cooking supplies around the house and I'm thinking about getting a new George Foreman grill to get some of that cooking done. The thing I've always hated about the GF grills is that they are soooo damn hard to clean. But with the new models the included removable grilling plates! Yeah, it's sad that I'm excited about removable grilling plates huh? But I really want to try it out and maybe I'll get one when I get my next paycheck. I also really want to get a rice cooker now, but I'm not sure how much to spend. It sounds like the cheaper ones have some problems but the higher end ones jump WAY up in price. I figure I'll probably just get a cheaper one to start off with and if I really get into it I might get a better one later on.

I've really gotten into drinking white russians recently as well. They're not really a drink to get drunk off of, but they really are one of the best tasting drinks I've ever had to just relax with. I had normally made them with just whatever kind of milk and coffee liquer I had around, but after reading up on how to make a really good white russian I decided to go with Kahlua and half and half. It's a whole new world now. Sure, you're thinking "half and half?", but damn! Anyone who is at my house in the near future, make sure I make you one, you'll be completely converted.

In my last entry I was talking about that math test...yeah, it kicked my ass as well as everyone elses in the class. The mean grade was a 69, and I made a 67. I did make some stupid mistakes on the test though, and really should have gotten a higher grade, but I used up all my time on the test and didn't get anytime to check my answers. Fuck that test. As long as I make a B or even a C in the class though, I'll be happy. I really can't wait for fall sememster now, so I can be done with pre-calc and taking some other classes that I really will enjoy. One more week.

Feeling update (is it getting gay enough for you all yet?): Good mood all around, optomistic and enthusiastic about everything going on.


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