Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sorry all you faithful readers...

...of which I'm sure there's a huge number. It's been 10 days since my 40th post, that's no good. But I'm sitting here at work on Sunday night at about 8 pm and was just observing something that I might as well report on (plus it gives me a chance to show off my badass MS paint skills.) First off, there's a weird guy standing in the reading room to my left, just standing there staring down the hallway to my right. Here's a diagram:

So I first noticed this on the way from the my desk to the bathroom a few minutes ago. I walk by and he's just in this big empty room standing there leaning against a bookshelf staring. I figured he must just be lost in thought and would probably be gone when I came back. Nope. I head back and there he is still. I even just checked again a few seconds ago to make sure he was still there. Of course he is. Now the question is will I make it through till 10 o'clock without him murdering me and everyone else in the building...


Blogger oreo said...

you still alive?

8/23/2006 8:53 AM  

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