Thursday, August 24, 2006

Yes, I'm still alive...

Since my schedule has changed I haven't gotten back in my normal habit of writing my blog everyday that I'm at work. I'm now only at work from 5 - midnight on Thursday, noon - 7 on Friday, and 7 - midnight on Sunday. And right now those times are spent working on homework that I already have stacking up. My classes are pretty boring, at least the Csci and Calc classes are. I feel sorry for everyone in my csci class that has never learned any type of programming, because they really jump right into the material without giving any background. Luckily I have had the most basic of programming experience so I'm not completely lost. I end up having to help quite a few people out in my lab class since the TA can't speak much english, and doesn't seem to understand the questions directed at him either. Calc is tough mainly just because of the fact that my professor is once again struggling with english. He's a really nice guy though, does his best to help out everyone when he can, and even goes lenient on grading to make sure everyone does well. I do have to sit there in class and listen to little freshmen fratties snicker about his accent though and find myself being distracted over and over. I'd really love to just smack a couple of them upside the head one day. The one course that I'm really going to enjoy though is my Weather Forecasting and Analysis class. It's not easy stuff at all, but it's definitely interesting to me and I can't wait to see how I do with it. That's all for now, but I'll try and get back on a regular schedule with these things.

Oh yeah, congrats to Kenneth on his new job at UGA. Also congrats to other people I know who have moved on or are moving on in the very new future.


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