Thursday, September 21, 2006

21 days?! Really?

You get an update, aren't you excited? So I finished up with my homework today at work at about 11:30 and I figured I had time to get in a quick blog before I have to go push in some chairs. I know all my faithful readers come to the site everyday and I let you down by not having new fresh material for you to read. I seriously doubt you'll be getting much of a change though, I'm sorry to say. I've been working on multiple projects recently, more involving drawing little lines all over a map. Not only did I have to draw the lines on the map this time, but I had to decode the information for over 100 sites in order to get the point by which the lines are based. Sounds fun huh? Well it took me over 15 hours of work and I finally finished this week. So what happens then? Oh we get another project that should be just about as long involving the decoding of even more information. Goddam it's tedious, but for some reason I'm still interested in it, and I think that's a good sign.

Football season has started and that means fantasy season is in full swing. Yours truly is 1 - 1 at the moment, but hopefully will be 2 - 1 after beating the crap out of Zig this weekend. I don't have much to work on tomorrow luckily so I should hopefully be able to get you another blog and maybe give you a little more substance then.


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