Monday, July 31, 2006

New job title

Yeah, now you must call me "Lead Student". We had 2 lead student positions open up this week and I was able to take advantage and obtain one of these positions. What's so special about this new position you ask? Not much, I just get paid $1.50 extra to be responsible for breaks and make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing. So yeah, it's pretty nice.

I just finished taking my last test before the final in pre-calc. Got an 80 but it'll probably go up at least a little before the grade is final. I'll just be happy when it's all over this Wednesday, then I'll have about a week and a half before fall semester starts up. I'm trying to remember what it was like to have 3 months off during summer. What the hell did I do with all my time back then? I'd probably be bored off my ass during this upcoming break if I wasn't headed to VA to visit my mom. While I'm there I'll finally be getting my cat back, since I feel like she'll be safe at my house without my old roommate around. That's all for today, since I'm still kinda fried from just taking that test.

Feeling update: Feel good, but the final exam is bearing down on me.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Austin 2.0 = housewife

I had never really gotten into cooking that much, mainly because of the pack animal mentality that seems to have always gone along with my living situation. When you come home and don't know what food is actually going to be there, you never really get that into preparing your own meals, instead relying on the concrete ideas of fast food. But that has changed now that I have only myself to rely on. So I went out yesterday and purchased things that I couldn't really afford all in the name of eating better and improving my overall situation. First off was a new George Foreman "Grilleration" Grill. It's just too hard to say no to that man when he's holding that taco with that look on his face. Plus, the single worst aspect of previous GF grills has been solved in three words: removable grill plates. Done cooking? Just pop those suckers off, throw them in the dishwasher and your cleaning is acomplished. I was supposed to be cooking my first meal on the grill tonight, pork loins, but instead I'll be eating at my parents house. I'll cook them tomorrow and have an update on Friday.

Next I picked up a rice cooker. If you've ever done any shopping for rice cookers before (which I seriously doubt that anyone who reads this has actually done) you'll know that these little bastards can vary in price from $15 all the way up to the multiple hundreds. Since I've never actually used a rice cooker before I figured I'd stick with the cheapest one for now. I'll be using it tomorrow as well to accompany my pork loins, mmmmmm.

That was about it as far as kitchen appliances purchased. Went to the grocery store, bought some supplies for cooking tomorrow and I'm just looking forward to seeing if I can complete this succesfully.

Feeling update: Good, nothing bad to report at all.

Monday, July 24, 2006


I've been slacking on my blogging recently. It just seems like with moving, my birthday, and bitch-ass math tests I haven't had the time to really sit here at work and write out a decent amount. But I figure that today, since I'm already done with my homework, I'll take the time to put a little more thought and substance into my blog. I've actually been meaning to take some pictures of my new place so I could put them up on here for everyone to see. I'll try to remember to do that either tonight or tomorrow since I do have a decent amount of time to myself right now. I'm pretty settled in now with my sofas arriving and my cable and internet setup, so I finally feel like I can relax a little bit.

I definitely had fun this weekend, and it was the first time I've gone downtown in about 2 weeks. Didn't really get that drunk on my birthday, but I more than made up for it the next night. I gotta say that the highlight of my birthday was the dinner though. It's been a while since I've had some good salmon, and I have to say that the salmon my dad prepared on Friday night was pretty amazing. I couldn't stop eating it...and now it really makes me want to do some real cooking at home. I've slowly been buying cooking supplies around the house and I'm thinking about getting a new George Foreman grill to get some of that cooking done. The thing I've always hated about the GF grills is that they are soooo damn hard to clean. But with the new models the included removable grilling plates! Yeah, it's sad that I'm excited about removable grilling plates huh? But I really want to try it out and maybe I'll get one when I get my next paycheck. I also really want to get a rice cooker now, but I'm not sure how much to spend. It sounds like the cheaper ones have some problems but the higher end ones jump WAY up in price. I figure I'll probably just get a cheaper one to start off with and if I really get into it I might get a better one later on.

I've really gotten into drinking white russians recently as well. They're not really a drink to get drunk off of, but they really are one of the best tasting drinks I've ever had to just relax with. I had normally made them with just whatever kind of milk and coffee liquer I had around, but after reading up on how to make a really good white russian I decided to go with Kahlua and half and half. It's a whole new world now. Sure, you're thinking "half and half?", but damn! Anyone who is at my house in the near future, make sure I make you one, you'll be completely converted.

In my last entry I was talking about that math test...yeah, it kicked my ass as well as everyone elses in the class. The mean grade was a 69, and I made a 67. I did make some stupid mistakes on the test though, and really should have gotten a higher grade, but I used up all my time on the test and didn't get anytime to check my answers. Fuck that test. As long as I make a B or even a C in the class though, I'll be happy. I really can't wait for fall sememster now, so I can be done with pre-calc and taking some other classes that I really will enjoy. One more week.

Feeling update (is it getting gay enough for you all yet?): Good mood all around, optomistic and enthusiastic about everything going on.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Sum up...

I'm studying my ass off right now, so here's a quick rundown:

1. Happy birthday to me! Time to get get wasted.
2. Interviewed for the lead student job here at work...should be a shoe-in.
3. About to take a test that is absolutely going to kick the crap out of me. Took the quiz last night, over 2 hours for 15 ?'s and I made a 40. Yeah, this isn't going to be pretty.

I just gotta get through it though and then it's a long weekend of drunken depravity!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Idea of moving=YES!

Actuality=OUCH! Yeah, I started at 11 am on Saturday and 12 hours later I finally had everything transferred from my old place to my new place. At that point I'd gone through 3 shirts, 2 64 oz bottles of Gatorade, and most of my sanity. It's not that I don't really like my new place, it just that I had forgotten what a pain it is to move every little thing you own. But now I'm cableless and couchless for the next few days, so I'm trying to keep myself busy fixing up things around the house. I'm hoping to be able to somehow run my speaker cables under the floor and out of the way, but I'm not sure how much drilling I'll be allowed to do to the floor. All in all though I'm just glad to have a place to call my own now. I'm sure it'll get lonely sometimes, but having the ability to buy my own groceries without having to worry about them being eaten before I even get a chance is worth that small cost.

I did manage to create a few nice little holes in the wall during my first night though. Trying to get a curtain rod to hold drapes and a 90" screen while being drilled into drywall is just a dangerous idea. When I think back on it, I probably should have used 3 mounting brackets...but hindsight is 20/20. I just got in a rush because I felt the desperate need to play NCAA 07! That's right, let the time sink begin! After playing just 2 games I'm impressed, to say the least. Your receivers don't drop the easy passes, defenders will react to a pass and try to knock it down instead of just letting it hit them in the back of the head, and playing defensive line is a viable option again. I need to make some tweaks to the gameplay, but I'm ecstatic to see that they've fixed most of what was wrong with last years game. More to come as we start our season...

Feeling update: tired, but content...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Moving Day!

Well it doesn't technically start till tomorrow, but I have the key in hand and figured that I'd go ahead and start moving a few things over tonight at least. I'm still a little concerned that the place is not going to be completely ready since I drove by before coming into work and there were about 10 guys out there working on it. I'm guessing they realized that they had to be ready by tomorrow and were rushing to finish. Just don't fuck up boys.

On an annoying note, my test on Wednesday was extremely shitty. I ended up making a D on it even though going into it I was more confident than either of my past 2. Make a 100 on the quiz, almost fail the test...yeah, I'd say that the material is very fair and balanced. I'll just be happy to get out of this class with a C, though I still think I have a pretty good shot at a B.

I've been hanging out with Natalie a pretty good bit over the past week and I gotta say, I'm really enjoying the company. The last 2 nights we've been up till 5 am just hanging out talking about stuff that going on. Hard to believe I can talk about things so long since I can only pull together a few measly paragraphs every few days on here. But I think that shows how much we get along and how comfortable we are with each other, it's just nice.

Feeling update: Ecstatic about moving into my own place, and all around good.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

No time

I've got no time to write out a full blog today since I'm having to memorize all the fundamental trig identities right now before my test at 7 pm. Wish me luck.

Monday, July 10, 2006

5 Days and Counting

Moving day is fast approaching and apparently Charter thought that I had already moved in since they called me at 2 pm to tell me they were waiting at my door to let them in. I figured the sight of people putting in carpeting and painting should have given them the idea that they were there on the wrong day. I went out yesterday and bought my new sofa and loveseat near Mall of Georgia and they should be delivered on Wednesday of next week. I can't wait to be able to enter my house and lie down on the couch without being overwhelmed by the stench of ferrets and rottting food.

I spent the rest of my weekend being extremely lazy. First time in a while I haven't gone downtown at least one night during the weekend. Got to talk with Natalie alot this weekend which was cool, and I think that she's right that we are alike in alot of ways and it's just good to have someone to talk to about whatever is going on in your life.

As of today I've seriously started up the fantasy football engines. We're moving ahead with possible changes to our league and I'm beginning to put together some ranking lists. The season is only 2 months away you know...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Back from vacation

Mmm yeah, felt good to get out of town if even if it was only for 3 days. Had a nice relaxing time, with only a few minor snags during the trip. Overall I had a great time though and really enjoyed hanging out with everyone. But now it's back to the daily grind of my week. Have another test coming up a week from today and then I'm moving a week from this Saturday. I'm really looking forward to moving and finally having a little more time to myself and escaping the smell of the ferrets. The big 27th b-day is coming up in a little over 2 weeks as well, makes me feel damn old. Not much else to report today, although hopefully I'll be able to discuss more on an eating challenge that should be taking place soon. It may turn out to be not that bad, but the fact that the word "quad" is involved makes it sound interesting as hell.

Feeling update: slightly bored, overall not bad though